Welcome to the home page of the Workshop on

Non Linear Control: Geometric Methods and Applications

to be held in

Florence, 18-19 April 2013

Partecipation is free but due to organizational reasons registration is compulsory

Speakers and Participants Talks and Abstracts
Scientific and Organizing Committees Location
Program Poster

The Workshop is mainly supported by the research grant MIUR PRIN Controllo Nonlineare: metodi geometrici e applicazioni and aims at presenting the results obtained by the people involved in the project together with new perspectives in control and applications.

Supporting institutions

DiMaI, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini"
Geometric Control Methods, Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Applications
Geometric Control Methods for the Heat and Schroedinger Equations (GeCoMethods)